Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday: 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Office Hours
Address Information
210 Falcon Parkway, Suite 366
Schriever SFB, CO 80912
Marketing Sponsorship
Your source for all things FSS!
The Marketing Office services the 50th Force Support Squadron (50 FSS) to provide marketing resources for programs offered to all eligible members. Marketing resources are limited to Non-appropriated Fund (NAF) offices within the 50 FSS. Support may also be provided to Appropriated Fund (APF) resources within 50 FSS on a fee-for-service basis. Organizations outside of 50 FSS may utilize our fee-for-service print shop when mission requirements allow time or those requests.
Request Marketing Support (Internal 50 FSS Customers Only)
To request Marketing Support, please click on the link below, fill out the Google document and submit it to the Marketing office.
Print Shop Requests (External Customers Only)
Our print shop provides services to the Schriever SFB community. We provide services at lower rates than off-base resources. Please contact us if you have questions or would like a free quote for the services needed.