Daily Rates

Visitors Quarters


Business Suites


General Officer Suite


Unit Training Assembly (UTA) Reservations

Lodging reservations are required to be made no later than 2200 hours the Sunday before each UTA; if not lodging will not be covered at government expense. Each member is responsible to make and cancel reservations using ALRS.

ALRS Version 8 now allows mobile app capability (Android and iPhone):

  • App is for IDT reservations only, use regular ALRS reservation procedures if mixing training as IDT and ADT
  • To enroll, member must contact Unit Lodging POC and ensure contact information is accurate
  • Once enrolled, do not “opt out” or respond “stop to text messages” as you will be disenrolled and permanently prevented from using app with associated phone number
  • Do not use speaker phone function or you may be disconnected and the reservation cancelled; recommend using landline or cell phone’s talk function
  • After 1 year of inactivity, members will be removed and unable to use mobile app; can re-enroll in standard ALRS through Unit Lodging POC.

Reservist can make, change, and cancel all lodging reservations using the ALRS app or by calling 612.713.5631/5623/5633/5634 and following the instructions.

The 934th is known as the “Global Vikings” and also known as the “Flying Vikings”. They are the only Air force reserve unit in the state of Minnesota. The 934th air base also hosts the Army, Navy, Marines and Air National Guard. The 934th is made up of 14 units. The base as a whole occupies approximately 265 acres of land near the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport. The 934th uses 85 of those acres.

The mission for the 934th is to fly C-130H3 cargo aircrafts. They do both airdropping and air landing, cargo, and people. Aeromedical evacuation of patients within the theater of operation. The 934th also provides airlift both in the United States and around the world. Upon mobilization orders, they would deploy and become part of the active duty Air Force Air Mobility Command.

The land that the base and the airport are on used to be a dirt speedway in 1915. Then in 1920 the Minneapolis Aero Club leased the land for a new airport that was named Speedway field. In 1923, Speedway Field was renamed Wold-Chamberlain Field. It was named that in honor of the two Minneapolis pilots who lost their lives in World War 1. Wold-Chamberlain Field continued to be used by both the Minnesota ANG and Station Twin Cities as a training facility. George W. Bush, Sr. was its most famous student. In 1948, the name changed once more, this time it was named Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. In 1949, the first Air Force Reserve unit was assigned to the area. In 1970, the Navy closed NAS Twin Cities and the AFR moved into the vacated space.


Guest Book

*The Appearance of local business names implies no federal endorsement. All hours of operation and telephone numbers are subject to change. Please call the business to confirm their operating hours.