Opening Hours
0700 – 1530
Family Days
Weekends & US Holidays


54529 Spangdahlem
Building 443





Family Child Care

Whether military or civilian, parents are more successful in performing their military mission, secure in the knowledge that their children’s safety, health, and well-being are protected. Air Force Family Child Care Programs are designed to give parents that peace of mind. One of the hallmarks of the Air Force Family Child Care Program is its ability to tailor the types of care offered to virtually fit every schedule, deployment, or special need.


Air Force Family Child Care Providers undergo stringent certification requirements: 15 AF FCC Training modules (approximately 60 clock hours), monthly unannounced home visits, background investigations, annual training, and certification in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for children 2 weeks to 12 years.

Our Mission: To assist DoD military and civilian personnel in balancing the competing demands of the accomplishment of the DoD mission and family life by managing and delivering a system of quality, available, and affordable programs and services for eligible children and youth birth through 18 years of age.


Set your own hours and rate of pay.
Receive FREE training and certifications and more!

what we offer

Become a Provider

FCC providers are well-trained professionals. Most have completed or are seeking degrees. In addition, providers attend rigorous training before receiving certification. This training includes CPR, First Aid, Child Development, Nutrition, Child Abuse Prevention, Identification, and Reporting, and USAF FCC regulations and guidelines. They and their family members undergo thorough background checks, consenting to annual-unannounced home inspections for fire, health and child safety. They are also highly monitored by the FCC Coordinator who performs unannounced monthly visits.

Childcare Information


Pre-Deployment Care

Up to 16 hours of free childcare per child to be used within 60 days prior to departure.

Deployment Care

Up to 16 hours of free childcare per child per month during deployment.

Returning Home Care

Up to 16 hours of free childcare per child to be used within 60 days of return.

PCS Care

20 hours free childcare per child within your first 60 days on station and within your last 60 days on station.

Expanded Duty Child Care Program

Assists families in obtaining high-quality child care from certified or affiliated providers when weekly parental workloads, due to extended duty hours, exceed the normal operating hours of the facility where they are already purchasing full-time care. Currently, this program is at no cost to the parent. However, care must be coordinated through the FCC Coordinator before using. 

FCC Subsidy Program

Spangdahlem Air Base participates in the AF Subsidy Program assisting parents with costs beyond what they would normally pay if their child were cared for at the Child Development Center. Please make sure that your child is on the militarychildcare.com waitlist for the CDC or FCC and contact the Community Child Care Coordinator for more information.

Unauthorized Care

FCC Notice: In Accordance with AFI34-144

All Family Child Care homes on the installation are subject to meeting the requirements of afi34-144 and shall be certified by the MSG/CC. Residents providing uncertified child care in government owned & privatized housing are to be notified of the requirement. IAW afi34-144 uncertified care will be investigated by the FCC Coordinator, accompanied by the Flight Chief or FSS Commander/Director (or designee). An unannounced visit will be made to individuals, residing in government owned quarters or privatized housing that are not certified and suspected of providing child care on a regular basis (more than 10 hours per week). The individual will be provided with a written request to complete the certification procedures and to cease providing care until they become certified. Security Forces will be contacted if there are suspected violations of law. When the FCC Coordinator receives notification that individuals residing in privatized housing who are not certified are suspected of providing child care on a regular basis (more than 10 hours per week). The FCC Coordinator notifies the Privatized Property Management office. Unauthorized care does not include individuals who occasionally provide care for a friend or neighbor less than 10 hours per week, teens doing evening or weekend baby-sitting or care provided in the parent’s own home. After notifying the Property Manager of potential violations the MSG/CC will be notified.

Download Forms
24/7 Child Care
The FCC 24/7 Child Care Program is designed to assist families when their work schedules are outside the normal operating hours of the facility where they are already purchasing full-time care. This program is specifically designed to support shift workers and any personnel who are required to work overnights, holidays, and weekends (e.g. Security Forces, Command Post, Fire Department, Medical, Force Support, Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance and Distributed Common Ground System). Please register below for Expanded Child Care or 24/7 Child Care. Contact the Community Child Care Coordinator for eligibility requirements. 52fss.fsy.familychildcare@us.af.mil
FCC Provider Orientation Child Care (FCC POCC)
The FCC 24/7 Child Care Program is designed to assist families when their work schedules are outside the normal operating hours of the facility where they are already purchasing full-time care. This program is specifically designed to support shift workers and any personnel who are required to work overnights, holidays, and weekends (e.g. Security Forces, Command Post, Fire Department, Medical, Force Support, Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance and Distributed Common Ground System). Please register below for Expanded Child Care or 24/7 Child Care. Contact the Community Child Care Coordinator for eligibility requirements. 52fss.fsy.familychildcare@us.af.mil
Respite Child Care

The Respite Child Care program is designed to assist Air Force families with specialized child care to help reduce the stresses associated with caring for an exceptional family member. Sibling care is also available up to age 13 years. Please contact the Community Child Care Coordinator for more information and eligibility requirements. 52fss.fsy.familychildcare@us.af.mil

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