CDC #1 (Temporarily closed)
Mon-Fri: 6:15am-5:45pm
Closed AFDW Family Days and Federal Holidays
CDC #2
Mon-Fri: 7:00am-5:00pm
Closed AFDW Family Days and Federal Holidays
CDC #3 (JP Hoyer)
Mon-Fri: 6:15am-5:45pm
Closed AFDW Family Days and Federal Holidays
CDC #1 (Temporarily closed)
Bldg 4575 Virginia Ave.
Joint Base Andrews, Maryland
CDC #2
Bldg 4783 San Antonio Blvd.
Joint Base Andrews, Maryland
CDC #3 (JP Hoyer)
Bldg 3725 Fetchet Ave.
Joint Base Andrews, Maryland
(301) 981-3035
(301) 981-3055
CDC #2
(301) 981-3323
(301) 981-3324
CDC #3 (JP Hoyer)
(240) 857-3207
(240) 857-3197
CDC #2
Cissy Sharpe
CDC #3 (JP Hoyer)
Chandre Coleman
Assistant Director
Brittany Bell
Our programs acknowledge children learning through active, hands-on involvement with their environment, peers, and caring adults. We respect each child’s unique interests, experiences, abilities and needs. Children are valued as individuals, as well as part of a group. Our program respects and supports the ideals, cultures, and values of families. We advocate for children, families, and the early childhood profession. Services offered at these locations include full-day care, before and after school care, and hourly child care on a space available basis.
*Visit the Home Page for information on any additional upcoming events at the Child Development Centers!
The Staff
The CDC staff has undergone thorough background checks and screening prior to appointment. They complete extensive training in early childhood development, First Aid and CPR. Some of the employees at the center have exceeded the Air Force training requirements by completing their Child Development Associates Credential, and have college course work in early childhood education. The staff ratio is lower than state requirements allowing the opportunity for your child to receive more individualized attention.
The Curriculum
Developmentally Appropriate Practices enables our staff to provide a rich learning environment for the whole child. This curriculum is designed to promote social, affective, language, creative, cognitive, and physical development.
Food Service Information
Breakfast, lunch and afternoon snacks are cooked daily on the premises. By participating in the Child and Adult Care USDA Food Program, we provide nutritious home-cooked meals. Children eat meals and snacks using family-style dining techniques to enhance their self-help skills while molding their table manners.
Quality Care
Joint Base Andrews’ Child Development Centers are dedicated in providing quality childcare, and do so by:
Praising and encouraging your children
Teaching self-discipline
Promoting positive behavior and self-esteem
Providing an impressive learning environment
Promoting language development and self-expression
Educating in proper hygiene and nutritional habits
Teaching children socialization skills
Providing a family atmosphere and nutritious meals
Parent Involvement
We encourage parent involvement at the centers. There is a Parent Advisory Committee established to further the connection between home, your child, the center, and the classroom. There is an open-door policy in place welcoming parents to visit at any time throughout the day. For more information, please stop by the front desk.
Child Development Center Parent Handbook
*For more information, visit the Department of the Air Force’s Child and Youth Programs’ CDC page.
Child Care Aware of America Programs
Child Care Aware of America Programs (CCA) are designed to assist military families who do not have access to child care programs on the installation to find child care off of the installation. CCA will also help with fee assistance, if the family and the child care program they select are eligible.
Families must be on the installation waiting lists through to qualify for fee assistance from CCA. Visit