a passport with stamps on it



  • Foreign National Guests will NOT BE ALLOWED base entry unless/until they have been properly vetted through Security Forces (30 Days prior).

  • Email I am requesting access for Foreign National Guest to Bellows AFS from DD MMM YY to DD MMM YY to 18FSSDET2.PNR.BellowsDailyAccess@us.af.mil to initiate the process.

  • Download and complete the Foreign National Guest Request Memorandum

  • Once you receive an email from NoReplyTo@mail.mil, follow the steps on this link to submit the following documents via DoD Safe:
    o   Foreign National Request Memorandum
    o   Copy of Foreign National’s Passport

  • Security Forces will coordinate with AFOSI for proper vetting of foreign nationals and will send you a confirmation if no unfavorable information was found.

  • Individuals with unfavorable information in their criminal record will be DENIED access. Security Forces in not legally allowed to discuss negative information on an individual’s criminal records.

a document with a blue and white design