Resolutions From The Cockpit

January 24, 2024

The Warhawk Warriors of the 37th Flying Training Squadron are eager to ring in the New Year!
As we come to the end of 2023, the instructor pilots have some well-deserved time off to reflect on the
the past year and process the many adventures they found themselves a part of and the “never will forget”
training moments that occurred, whether in the classroom or the air.

2024 brings with it a chance to enjoy new beginnings, seek out new opportunities, reconsider goals, and like many of us, make New
Years Resolutions!

Resolutions from some Warhawk Warriors are as follows:

1Lt Kelly Grier shares she wants to do a better job of holding to her workout schedule and drink
more water!

1Lt Dominic Calhoon hopes to have a year of not having to spray his cats with water when they
jump on the counters!

1Lt Joshua Leaser admits to being a “Swiftie” and would like to meet Taylor Swift and get all his
vinyl autographed!

Capt Daniel Mumford would like to not hit the snooze button every morning but still be able to
get out of bed refreshed and start the day strong!

Capt Artur Romanishyn realizes he needs to be more faithful in taking the dogs out for a walk
every day and, while driving around Mississippi, do a better job of using his blinker.

Lt Col Jonathan Skinner wants to remain in Columbus, MS, and be able to enjoy the beauty of

Although we are having a bit of fun with sharing resolutions, the new year brings with it hope and
an opportunity for change. Albert Einstein stated, “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for

We all should be gracious, and kind, and support one another here at Columbus Air Force Base
this coming year.

We want to thank these amazing instructor pilots for sharing their New Year’s Resolutions with us
and wish them the best in keeping them! Remember pilots, “Go confidently in the direction of your
dream.” – Henry David Thoreau. Let your dreams take flight in the new year!