Experience System At The Bowling Center Allows Users To Customize Their Entertainment

June 30, 2022

The StrikeZone Bowling Center at Columbus AFB continues to be one of the activities that in pressing on in spite of lingering pandemic and staffing issues. Since taking over, Bowling Center manager, Amanda Garza, has been constantly looking for creative ways to utilize the center for entertainment and a viable food option.

“The biggest challenge I’ve had since taking over the Bowling Center is the lack of adequate staffing,” said Garza. “We’ve been operating as a skeleton crew for the better part of the year, however the staff we do have are phenomenal. They are always willing to back each other up, never complain and just want to do their part (and then some) to provide the community with good food and fun experiences.”

The entire Community Services flight has played a vital role in the continued success of special events at the Bowling Center. Garza says everyone pitches in–it’s truly a team effort.

Boss & Buddy Bowling seems to be the most popular thing happening at the StrikeZone. Every Wednesday afternoon from 3-6pm, the center supports the community by providing a space to allow teams, coworkers, offices, and leadership to come together and blow off steam. It is often used as an opportunity to challenge other squadrons to see who’s the top dog on the lanes. The great thing about bowling is that anyone can do it regardless of skill. Every now and then a bowler will surprise everyone and come out with a huge win. Whether you bowl or not, you can always grab some food, a cold drink, and enjoy downtime with your team.

“As soon as we get some staff, we have so much planned!” Garza said. “Tournaments, leagues, squadron parties, birthday parties, going away celebrations, you name it!”

Starting in July the Bowling Center is debuting the Single Airmen Bowl Free, a R4R sponsored event. This is a totally free bowling experience for single airmen to get them out of the dorms and on the lanes, making the most out of their time on Columbus AFB.

The center recently installed a brand new Experience system. This system allows guests to select the “experience” they prefer to make it more entertaining. They have several choices of themes, environments and games to play available at the bowler console. The system has so many options. There is even a way to animate the players to be part of the graphics while they bowl!