What’s Cooking At The Event Center

January 24, 2024

The Columbus Air Force base is making some BIG changes at the Event Center.

Tony Washington is a retired Air Force Superintendent of Services, and his goal after retirement was to find a job on base as a GS worker. His new title at the Event Center will be the food service specialist.

We are excited to see what he will be cooking up in the coming months. Washington has many plans for the Event Center menu. His number one goal is to support our mission on Columbus Air Force Base, and that is, training world-class pilots! He wants to put his spin on things at the Event Center by creating an environment where our leaders, pilots, support staff, and their families can come to decompress, enjoy, have fun, and make everlasting memories while listening or dancing to our music while having a snack or beverage.

He plans to create some new recipes, enhance some old ones, but most of all solicit support and get buy-in from all the organizational stakeholders as to what they want and need. Washington even plans to ask the pilot squadrons what they would like to see on the menu and encourages pilots to email him about recipes or even submit a recipe they would like to be featured. Washington hopes to have the menu and this great environment up and running in a month or so.

Washington grew up in Snow Hill, NC. A small town southeast of Seymour Johnson AFB. He is one of six children. He is married and has two kids. We are proud as a community to welcome retired Air Force service members to help Columbus AFB in any way they can. Let’s all give a big Columbus Air Force Base welcome and show our support and appreciation in the coming months!

Tony Washington

