1409 Dobbins Place SE, Building 732


Air Force Services Center Mission

In accordance with the AFSVC, DobbinsLife supports mission ready forces by being great wingmen and promoting the concept that Airmen are out most valuable resource and will be treated as such.

Our Services

Food & Beverage



Outdoor Rec


Our Blog

The Falcon 5K Run

The Falcon 5K Run

What is the Falcon 5k Run? The Falcon 5K Run is an annual event that honors our military and...

2023 Thanksgiving Holiday

2023 Thanksgiving Holiday

Greetings, It's about that time for us to untie our boots (shoes for our civilian friends and...

We are Going Cashless!

We are Going Cashless!

In about one week from today, Dobbins Services (MWR) will be going cashless for all transactions....