Mon – Fri:
6:15 am – 6:00 pm
Sat – Sun:
All Family Down Days
Edwards Air Force Base

Child Development Center
The Edwards AFB Child Development Center welcomes children between the ages of six weeks and 5 years. Department of the Air Force Child Development Centers are designed to provide a safe, healthy, and nurturing environment for children and are uniquely designed to accommodate each child’s developmental level.
Edwards AFB Development Center
All Child Development Centers (CDCs) must be accredited by a national accrediting agency in accordance with 10 USC Ch 88 (Public Law) and DoDI 6060.02. The Edwards CDC is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). NAEYC Accreditation assists CDC Staff to develop a shared understanding and commitment to quality. Research shows a direct correlation between high-quality early learning and children’s positive long-term outcomes in life, including increased educational attainment, healthier lifestyles, and more successful careers.
Eligibility and priority are established through AFI 34-144. See the most current Family Eligibility and Priority Guidelines and CDC SY 22-23 Rates.
Registration And Waiting List
To request care, please visit the https://militarychildcare.com/ website. You will need to create a Family Profile and submit a request for care.
Once care is offered through the MilitaryChildCare website, the sponsor will have 24 hours to accept the position on the website. Notifications are sent to the email within the Family Profile. After care is offered, our administrative staff will send you a link to create a profile in the Child and Youth Program Billing Management System (CYPBMS) with instructions on requirements before starting care. If the offer of care expires on the MilitaryChildCare website, the space will be offered to the next family on the wait list and you may be required to re-submit a request for care.
Placement is administered by the MilitaryChildCare website, and is based upon the eligibility requirements defined in the above link. Installations must follow priorities in accordance with the DoDI 6060.02. Individual priority verification is determined at the time of placement. For unborn children, waiting list documents may be completed during pregnancy. PCS inbound can be placed on the waiting list as soon as they have published orders.
If your child has any special needs such as asthma, allergies, ADHD, physical disabilities, etc., please note the need(s) in the request for care on the MilitaryChildCare website. If special needs are required, our team must follow a mandated process to ensure we will be able to provide appropriate care for your child before starting care. Any Child Healthcare Assessments must contain a physician’s signature.
Early Learning Matters (ELM) is the mandated curriculum for Child Development Centers, and features fully-developed, flexible activity plans to support children’s engagement in learning across the entire year.
Food Service
The program serves a well-balanced and nutritious breakfast, lunch and snacks. Meals are served “Family Style” to promote conversation and to encourage children to try new foods. The menu offers a variety of foods that include multi-cultural items. All meals meet the USDA standards and menus are approved by a base dietitian or a MAJCOM specialist.
Parent Involvement
Opportunities for parent participation are offered at least once per month. Specified parent involvement activities can be found in the Edwards CDC Monthly Newsletter, and advertised with the Child Development Center.
The Family Advisory Board (FAB) allows parents/guardians opportunities to actively participate in program activities, and establishes a partnership between CYP families and programs. The FAB is developed in accordance with the 10 USC Ch 88, DoDI 6060.02 and DoDI 6060.4. Board meetings are held quarterly with program managers and the CYP Flight Chief. Meeting minutes are reviewed by the Mission Support Group Commander.

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