Now Open for Walk-Ins!
7:30 am – 3:30 pm
Closed on holidays and training days. Training days are the 1st Tuesday of each month.
140 Methusa Rd, Bldg. 2453

Edwards Education And Training Center
Committed to serve our Edwards community and to help meet the educational and vocational needs of our civilians and active duty military personnel and their adult family members.
- College and Career Counseling
- Tuition Assistance for Active Duty Military
- CCAF Counseling
- Testing Services
- GI Bill Benefit Information
- Commissioning Program Guidance
- Civilian Developmental Education (CDE)
- Long-Term Full-Time Training (LTFT)
- Academic Degree Certification Training Part-Time (ADCT-PT)
Testing Department
- Provides Air University personnel testing (Course 14 testing, ALS, SOS, ACSC, and AWC )
- How to schedule your Course ALS, 14/15 exams (insert hyper link for this)
On Base College Level Examination Program (Clep)
Ms. Helen Martin at University of Phoenix
Phone: 661.802.4013
New CLEP Exam Registration Instructions:
Edwards Local CLEP, eCBT and iBT, DSST Sites and Edwards Military CLEP Exam Guidance
Study Guide Reference Materials: www.militaryonesource.com
Testing Schedule
Mondays: AFCT 9:00 AM
Tuesdays: 9:00 AM/1:00 PM CDC’s
Wednesdays: Out of Cycle WAPS 0745
DLPT 8:00 AM (All Wednesday’s besides the first of the month)
AFOQT 8:00 AM (first Wednesday of the month)
Thursdays: 9:00 AM/1:00 PM TBAS
Friday: Requested exams—EDPT, AFRAT, W/B, OPI.
On Base Colleges And Universities
Cerro-Coso Community College
Hours of Operation: Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Phone: 661.258.8644
Email: www.cerrocoso.edu
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Hours of Operation: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Phone: 661.258.1264
Email: http://worldwide.erau.edu/locations/high-desert-edwards
Edwards AFB National Test Center (NTC) facilitated by University of Phoenix
Active Duty, Spouses, and Dependents Financial Aid and Scholarships
MilitaryOneSource provides spouses with numerous educational and career guidance resources: http://www.militaryonesource.mil/education-and-employment/spouse-education-and-career-opportunities
Air Force Aid Society Arnold Grant Program provides $2000.00 per year for Air Force spouses enrolled in college full time: http://afas.org/education-grants
DANTES financial aid for spouses and dependents: http://www.dantes.doded.mil/service-members/education-benefits/financial-assistance/financial-aid-and-scholarships/index.html
Active Duty, Spouses, and Dependents
Military One Source: www.militaryonesource.mil
Federal Financial Aid: http://www.fafsa.ed.gov
Find On-line Colleges: http://www.collegedegree.com
Air Force Educational Links Of Interest
Effective 1 March 2013, all colleges with military students are required to have signed the DoD Memorandum of Understanding. Colleges that do not – cannot have courses paid for will military tuition assistance funds. Please check the list of signed colleges and universities here: www.dodmou.com
Air University Student Information System: https://ausis.maxwell.af.mil
Commissioning Opportunities: https://www.my.af.mil/afvecprod/afvec/Home.aspx(This information can also be accessed thru the AF Portal, https://www.my.af.mil via Air Force Virtual Education Center (AFVEC) quick link)
DANTES (Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support): http://www.dantes.doded.mil
Peterson’s DoD MWR Libraries: Online Test Prep: www.petersonsdodlibrary.com
Tutor.com for US Military: www.tutor.com
VA Educational Benefits: www.va.gov
Education and Training Management System (ETMS) and myETMS: https://etmsweb.wpafb.af.mil/etmsasp/main/profile.asp
Community College of the Air Force (CCAF): http://www.au.af.mil/au/ccaf
Community College of The Air Force (CCAF)
If your college does not offer electronic transcripts you must request a hard copy. The transcript must be mailed directly from your civilian college to CCAF. CCAF will not accept transcripts marked “issued to Student,” unofficial transcripts, or faxed transcripts. To expedite the evaluation process, request that your school include your social security number on the transcript. Also, if your transcript is under a different name, please have the school include your current name in order to prevent delays. Please allow at least 45-60 days for CCAF to update your progress report. To send transcripts directly from your college to CCAF at the mailing address:
100 South Turner BLVD
Maxwell-Gunter AFB, AL 36114-3011
Electronic Transcript
CCAF will accept electronic transcripts from colleges that use the eSCRIP-SAFE, Parchment or AVOW delivery networks. Students will log onto their school’s website to order the transcript. Select the CCAF or your may also type in ccaf.registrar@us.af.mil as the receiving institution.
Please do not send your transcripts to update your CCAF record to the Education Center as CCAF will not accept them if they are not sent directly from the college to CCAF.
Education Levels Update Information
IAWAFI 36-2305, AFIT updates your education levels. Education Centers no longer offer this service. Send your official transcript from your academic institution to the address below:
AFT Academic Coding Branch
2950 Hobson Way
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-7765
AFIT Phone: 937.255.6565, Ext 4324
IAWAF 36-2306, member must request one of the following from their college/university and provide to the Education Center:
An official transcript that includes your degree conferred date, degree level, and degree title. An official transcript must be mailed directly to the education office from your college or hand delivered to the education office in the original sealed envelope. Your college can mail the official
transcript to the following address:
140 Methusa Ave
Edwards AFB, CA 93524.
Also, your college can send an official transcript to the education office by email notification of degree completion on official school letterhead from your college registrar’s office stating your full name, SSN, degree level, degree.
For Education Center Questions
Email 412.fss.fsde.education.services@us.af.mil
Testing 412.fss.fsde.testing@us.af.mil
Training: 412fss.fsde.training.services@us.af.mil
Formal Training/TDY-to-school: s5325b@us.af.mil
Combat Human Trafficking
- Reporting: Don’t Be a Hero – Call for Help!
Command Post: 661.277.3040
Security Forces: 661.277.3340
Put these numbers in your cell phone!
- Mandated By Law: AFI 36-2921, DoDI 2200.01, Title 10 US Code Chapter 47, UCMJ Articles 134, 135 & 136
- POC Information: Jesus Renteria 661.277.2206, jesus.renteria@us.af.mil
- Permanently Post in High Trafficked Areas

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