8:00 am – 4:00 pm
1100 Kincheloe Ave., Bldg 7210

The Base Honor Guard’s Primary Mission
To provide military funeral honors for active duty, retiree and veteran members who served honorably in the United States Air Force and Army Air Corp.
Honor Guard Charge
–Handpicked to serve as a member of the Blue Eagles Honor Guard, my standards of conduct and level of professionalism must be above reproach for I represent all others in my service.
–Others earned the right for me to wear the ceremonial uniform, one that is honored in a rich tradition and history. I will honor their memory by wearing it properly and proudly.
–Never will I allow my performance to be dictated by the type of ceremony, severity of the temperature or size of the crowd. I will remain superbly conditioned to perfect all movements throughout every drill and ceremony.
–Obligated by my oath I am constantly driven to excel by a deep devotion to duty and a strong since of dedication
–Representing every member, past and present of the United States Air Force I vow to stand SHARP, CRISP and MOTIONLESS! For I am a ceremonial guardsman.
What are The Requirements to Join Honor Guard
- To be a member of the base honor guard you must have high motivation and commitment, a desire to excel, approval from your commander, supervisor and first sergeant. You must have the ability to travel and go on TDY rotations to March ARB.
- Have the ability and drive to go above and beyond the standards set in the 36-2903
- Not be on a physical profile or have a shaving waiver.
What Does The Base Honor Guard Do
- The base honor guard’s primary mission is to provide military funeral honors for active duty, retiree and veteran members who served honorably in the United States Air Force and Army Air Corp.
- The secondary mission of the base honor guard is performing military change of commands, retirements, retreats and other special functions.
- The Blue Eagles Honor Guard is a total force honor guard comprised of personnel from Edwards AFB, March ARB and Los Angeles Air Station. The AOR extends from the Ventura County border to the Arizona & Mexico border and from the Pacific Ocean to the Nevada border.
What are The Benefits of Being an Honor Guard Member
- Honor guard uniforms
- Free dry cleaning
- Awards program
- Professional development
- Be the best of the best around base
Due to COVID-19 precautions, facilities have changed hours of operations and customer requirements.
Hours and operation are subject to change
Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Part Of An Elite Team
The Blue Eagles Honor Guard is a voluntary team. We practice every Tuesday between 3 – 4:30 pm and each member will have at least 2 TDY rotations during the contract year. Practice is held at Edwards Air Force Base Bldg. 2462 rain or shine every week. The base honor guard is reserved for individuals with the desire to go above and beyond the call of duty; to represent the U.S. Air force and a grateful nation. If you feel you have what it takes to be a proud member of this elite team contact:
661.275.2583 (BLUE) or DSN: 525-2583

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