Hours of Operation
Face-to-Face Office Hours
Tues – Thurs: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Virtual Office Hours
Monday & Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Closed all federal holidays
Office Hours
Address Information
Norma Brown Bldg. # 430
School Liaison Program
The Goodfellow School Liaison Program Manager is standing by ready to assist you & your family on your upcoming dependent educational Pre-K through 12 PCS.
The School Liaison Program is committed to outreach, advocacy, and partnership initiatives that generate real-time solutions for military-connected students in grades Pre-Kindergarten through grade 12 as they face global educational challenges and transitions.
To deliver unparalleled educational advocacy, outreach, and partnerships for military-connected students around the globe!
Upon arrival you can set up an appointment with your School Liaison Program Manager! They will be able to go more in-depth on issues such as absences allowed for PCS, transfer of credits, what should be on your child’s school transcripts/records, children’s reactions to moving, moving with a Pre-K through 12 family member on an IEP or 504, Military Interstate Compact and much more! You will obtain with a firm knowledge of your Pre-K through 12 child’s educational rights as you move around during your career by contacting your local School Liaison Program Manager today!
For more information on before and after school care/youth sponsorship please click the links below:
More Information
San Angelo Education Information
Goodfellow AFB resides in Tom Green Co. Our local school districts are encompassed in Region 15 covering 25,224 square miles and impacting the lives of 49,364 Pre-K – 12th grade students. The number of Military Connected Students (MCS) in the region is about 1,351 but at any time can vary from 1,000 – 5, 000! The Region has 453 campuses in 43 independent school districts to include charter schools. Each district supports around 7,227 school staff. The majority of our military connected students attend San Angelo ISD (SAISD), Texas Leadership Academy (TLCA)- FREE Charter, Wall ISD and Christoval ISD. Some of our MCS attend a private/parochial school or are home-schooled. With all of Region 15’s Pre-K – 12 education you can find gifted and talented campuses as well as special needs services. Each military family’s needs are unique and the San Angelo community understands and support this. They recognize that the military family transitions on an average 6-9 times during a child’s school career. Each school campus or district is able to work with our military families thus ensuring an overall successful educational experience during their time at Goodfellow AFB!
School Enrollment Documents
~Prior to departing your current location please ensure that you hand carry your Pre-K– 12 military connected students records~
- Student’s Birth Certificate
- Student’s Social Security number (student account/ID #)
- Student’s Immunization Record
- Current school year sports physical (if applicable)
- Proof of Residency (Military orders, TLF statement, housing/apartment contract, utility bill, etc.)
- Most recent report card with final grades (Ensure they are clearly annotated)
- State/Standardized or Special Program Testing
- IEP or 504 (if applicable)
- Gifted and Talented Testing, scores, records Transcript/Record Documentation Requirements
- Advanced Placement Courses/Dual Credit Courses/Trade School Credits (Ensure they are clearly annotated)
- CLEP/DANTES scores on official transcripts (Ensure they are clearly annotated)
- Working outside of grade level (i.e. taking 10th grade math but in the 9th grade)
- College Career Readiness: Course History/Schedule/Graduation Track/Work Study
- Counselor Recommendations for Placement (optional)
- JROTC Records (if applicable)
- Listing of Academic Recognitions/Competition/Participation
- Sports Highlights or SATS
- On the day of withdrawal obtain an unofficial transcript/records with grades closed out from school office
~School Liaison services are open to all DoD ID Card holders, Educators who service Military Students and Community Partners within the Pre-K-12 Education realm.
If you have complications obtaining these records contact your local School Liaison, for immediate assistance!
Local Education Resources
School-Aged Youth Sponsorship
Return to: 17FSS.FSF.ChildYouth@us.af.mil
*Goodfellow AFB Youth Programs 225 Mitchell St Bldg. # 915 325.654.4708
*Goodfellow AFB School Age Program 113 Scherz Blvd. Bldg. # 927 325.654.1751
AETC, 17 Training Wing – Goodfellow AFB:
- https://www.goodfellow.af.mil/Newcomers/Permanent-Party/
- https://www.goodfellow.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/879915/school-liaison-program/
17 Force Support Squadron – Goodfellow AFB:
~ Goodfellow AFB Newcomers Information: https://www.goodfellow.af.mil/Newcomers/Permanent-Party/
~ Local area, schools, housing, community: www.Niche.com
~ Region 15 Education Service Center: https://www.esc15.net/
~ San Angelo ISD: https://www.saisd.org/
- San Angelo ISD Transportation:
https://www.saisd.org/departments/Transportation/index.asp - San Angelo ISD Career & Technical Ed Program:
https://www.saisd.org/Programs/CTE.asp - San Angelo ISD: Special Education:
https://www.saisd.org/Departments/SpecialEducation/index.asp - San Angelo ISD Gifted & Talented Program:
https://www.saisd.org/Programs/GT/index.asp - San Angelo ISD Advanced Placement and Pre-AP Program:
https://www.saisd.org/Programs/GT/index.asp - San Angelo ISD Pre-K Program:
https://www.saisd.org/Programs/PreK.asp - San Angelo ISD Student Handbook:
https://www.saisd.org/departments/StudentServices/StudentParentHandbook.asp - San Angelo ISD Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS Program):
https://www.saisd.org/District/VIPS.asp - San Angelo ISD Safety & Security; Stay ALERT:
~ STARBASE Goodfellow: https://www.starbasegoodfellow.org/
~ Wall ISD: https://www.wallisd.net/
Out of District Transfers $1,750.00 annually and $1,250.00 for siblings
~ TLCA – Charter School: (FREE Charter school Pre-K-12) https://www.tlca-sanangelo.com/
~ Christoval ISD: https://www.christovalisd.org/
~ Private Schools
- Ambleside School of San Angelo:
http://www.amblesidesanangelo.net/ - Angelo Catholic School:
https://www.angelocatholicschool.org/ - Cornerstone Christian School:
http://www.ccs-sanangelo.com/ - San Angelo Christian Academy:
http://www.sanangelochristianacademy.org/ - Emmanuel School of Fine Arts:
https://sites.google.com/emmanuel-sa.org/emmanuelschooloffinearts - Trinity Lutheran School:
http://www.trinityschoolsa.com/ - The Potter’s Hands Christian School:
Military Parent Resources
Military Interstate Compact Law-MIC3:
Texas Commissioner: Shelly Ramos
Email: shelly.ramos@tea.texas.gov
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2Owwv_JuMk#action=share
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SIW9C5LQVw
Impact Aid: The Impact Aid law, Title VII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 -ESEA provides assistance to local school districts. When you identify as a military family, the school can better support you and your military connected student.
Military Student Identifier: Learn why your child’s school is asking if you are active duty military
Military Impacted Schools Association (MISA)/National Association of Federally Impacted Schools (NAFIS): Website: https://militaryimpactedschoolsassociation.org/
Military OneSource: Phone 1-800-342-9647 Website: https://www.militaryonesource.mil/all-the-ways?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI98C_5aes6QIVigiICR3vygpQEAAYASAAEgI2uvD_BwE
School supplies & Expenses: See your local School Liaison for school supplies to start your child’s school year!
Tutor.com: FREE live tutors available online 24/7 to help with more than 40 core subjects and standardized test preparation.
Website: https://military.tutor.com/home
US Department of Defense: Resources available to service members and their families as well as veterans, DOD civilians and general public
Website: https://www.defense.gov/Resources/
DODEA Educational Partnerships: Listing of School Liaison Program Managers by branch
Student Focused….Partnership Driven!
Deployment and Geographically separated families:
Penn State Clearinghouse: Evidence based resources through Penn State Clearinghouse for Military Families Readiness
Website: https://schoolresources.militaryfamilies.psu.edu/
Hug-A-Hero Website: https://hugahero.com
Build a Sign: Provides one free sign to welcome your hero home. You only pay for shipping
Website: htttps://www.buildasign.com/troops
Meeting Youth Social Emotional Needs (MFLCs)
In-person Sessions and Video Teleconferencing Services Now Available! *Available to all military branches.*
Child and Youth Behavioral Military & Family Life Counselors (CYB-MFLCs) support the military connected student, military family and educators now more than ever! In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the CYB-MFLCs are available face to face and or by video telehealth thus meeting client needs of the total force! CYB-MFLCS can be found embedded within San Angelo ISD campuses and the Goodfellow Child & Youth Programs. Services are open to all Service Members, spouses, children and staff supporting military connected students to address:
- Deployment and Reintegration issues
- Marriage and Relationship issues
- Parent and family issues
- Communication challenges
- Stress and anxiety
- Sadness, grief, and loss
- Daily life issues
Helping You is Our Priority
Consultations and trainings are free and anonymous* No records are kept. The MFLC Program is intended for all Services, Guard and Reserve components. * Exceptions to confidentiality include duty-to-warn cases, such as child abuse/neglect, domestic violence, harm to self or others or present/future illegal activity.
To schedule a parent or educator training with the CYB-MFLCs please call the Goodfellow School Liaison: Kristin Donaldson at 325.654.3241 or 325.939.3790
- Scheduling an appointment is easy! *Please leave a message and you will contact be contacted within 1 business day*
- CYB-MFLCs can work with ANY military affiliated child! To support your school aged student, regardless of educational platform, please contact any of the CYB-MFLCs below.
CYB-MFLC Contact Information:
Additional Child and Youth Social-Emotional Support:
Goodfellow AFB Mental Health Resources:
Goodfellow Command Post: 325.654.3558
Goodfellow AFB Chapel: 325.654.3424 After Duty: 325.654.3558
Goodfellow AFB Mental Health: 325.654.3112
Goodfellow AFB Behavioral Health: 325.654.5746
Goodfellow AFB Crisis Intervention Hotline: 325.653.5933
Goodfellow AFB Family Advocacy Program: 325.654.1600
Goodfellow AFB Sexual Assault Prevention: 325.654.1572, 325.654.1571, 325.654.1570
Goodfellow AFB ADAPT: 325.654.3122
Local Mental Health Resources:
West Texas Guidance & Counseling: 325.2561
River Crest: 800.495.0804 Assessments: 999.495.0804
Shannon Behavioral Health: 325.659.7300
VA Clinic: 800.472.1365
MHMR Services for the Concho Valley: 325.658.7750
Family Youth Guidance Center: 325.658.7750
Texas Health & Human Services: 211
National or State Mental Health Resources:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800.273.8255, 800.273.TALK
PHCoE: Free Counseling services to military families
Website: https://www.pdhealth.mil/resources/intransition
Military OneSource: Phone 1.800.342.9647
Website: https://www.militaryonesource.mil/all-the-ways?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI98C_5aes6QIVigiICR3vygpQEAAYASAAEgI2uvD_BwE
Installation, School & Community Communication
School Liaison Program Managers are installation subject matter experts to Commander/Command
Staff/parents for all local Pre- K-12 education issues regarding military child education. They facilitate communication for parents that student is experiencing challenges within a school setting. In order to address issues at the local level and build support with Community Stakeholders, many installations have established educational town hall, summits or educational working groups lead by the School Liaisons and includes those active stakeholders in their communities.
Community Relations, Partnerships and Outreach
School Liaison Program Managers create a network of parents, community partners, and military/civilian personnel to support installation/community and school systems.
In partnership, the SLPM, San Angelo ISD, and TLCA support additional social emotional needs of military connected students with the availability of School CYB-MFLCs!
JROTC, STEM, Scholarship Opportunities
School Liaison Program Managers leverage installation/school resources (e.g., Education and Training Flight) to provide graduating military student’s access to post-secondary information and opportunities.
Special Education Navigation
School Liaison Program Managers leverage installation/school resources (e.g., Education and Training Flight) to provide graduating military student’s access to post-secondary information and opportunities.
Homeschool Support
School Liaison Program Managers share information on homeschool issues, concerns local policies, and regulations of state/local education agencies and connect homeschool families to their community.
Deployment/ Parental Absence Support
School Liaison Program Managers provide families and school personnel with resources focused on parental absence during deployments, TDYs, Geographic and other separation. Support includes the cycle of deployment and academic, social and emotional impact, resources and referrals. Additional social emotional support within Child and Youth Programs and your child’s school includes the availability of the CYB-MFLC and CYB-School MFLCs!
*The information on this page (external website, information, products, or services contained therein) is provided as a resource and does not constitute an endorsement by the United States Air Force, the Department of Defense, Air & Education Training Command or Goodfellow Air Force Base.*