Office Hours
School Age Care
The School Age Program serves military personnel and civilian employees by providing a caring and positive environment for their children. We offer before and after-school care as well as vacation & summer camps. The Clubhouse is our interactive before and after school program designed for grades K-6. Children will continue to learn as they are taking part in fun activities. The Council on Accreditation (COA) provides program-specific accreditation for this program as designated by the Department of Defense for U.S. military family readiness programs.
For complete information and to register, please go to, a DoD website for military families seeking childcare. This single online gateway provides access to comprehensive information on military-operated and military-subsidized childcare options worldwide. It enables families to search for and request or full- and part-time care, manage their requests, and update their profile online.
Children will be placed on a waiting list according to the Family Types and Priorities Handout. Families on the waiting list will be contacted when a childcare space becomes available and will have 24 hours to accept the space. If no contact is made within 24 hours or the space is refused by the sponsor, the space will be offered to the next family on the waiting list.
If you accept a space in the School Age Program you will be given instructions on the registration process. It will include completing an acceptance letter, registration packet and scheduling parent orientation prior to starting the program. Parents must also submit up-to-date immunizations record with the registration packet. Fees are based on DoD guidelines according to the Military Child Care Act of 1989.
Fee Assistance Program
Supplanting Policy:
Supplanting occurs when a child currently enrolled is replaced by a child from a family in a higher priority category. Any families that are impacted receive a 45-day written notification prior to being supplanted, and can reapply for care through Since August 2022 Hanscom officials have briefed the community monthly in virtual/in-person Town Hall Meetings to discuss the policy and its potential impact on families at the base. Click here to review the information shared during the Town Hall meetings. Click here to review the questions posed to the Hanscom officials. The meetings are also a venue to provide updates on staffing initiatives.