Employee Enhancement Program
Brought to you by Curriculum Develpment & Delivery
Join Force Development for a non competitive, self paced 18-month, professional development course about leadership, problem solving, team building and more!
WHAT: Program is designed to provide flexible and adaptable personal and professional development. The courses chosen were vetted by our EEP team and are beneficial and applicable to most people in most work centers. EEP consists of eight core courses, two in-person elective courses, and four online elective courses that participants select according to their interests and development goals. (See course list below) Participants will create and individual development plan and pair up with a mentor using MyVector. During EEP participants will be required to meet with their mentor on at least four occasions. The first meeting should be to review and discuss the participants individual development plan.
WHEN: EEP is self-paced and offers open enrollment. Participants have 18 months to complete all requirements and can take classes whenever their schedule allows. Eligible applicants can submit an application on the EEP sharepoint: https://usaf.dps.mil/sites/75MSG/FSD/SitePages/Employee-Enhancement-Program.aspx anytime and the program is non-competitive.
WHERE: Some trainings are provided in-person at bldg. 1279 and will be scheduled through your Unit Training Manager, other trainings are online or computer based and participants will self-enroll.
For more information, check out the slides from the EEP Information Session.
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