Helping Agencies Directory

Making you number one is our top priority. We offer confidential services for all military personnel and their families.

Get to Know Your Helping Agencies

Take a moment to reflect on yourself and see how you TRULY are handling life, work, family, living overseas, and the stress that comes along with all these things. We all have our low points; it’s how we react in those moments that matter. Know that Kadena Air Base cares and has many options available for mental health and resilience. We can’t do our job or operate at full capacity if we are too preoccupied with internal struggles. You are not alone. Don’t suffer in silence! Here are your helping agencies:

True North Psychologist

DSN: 634.4962
Phone: +81.070.3802.8982


Japanese Suicide Prevention Hotline

(English speaking)
Phone: 03.5774.0992


(Security Forces Law Enforcement Desk)
Phone +81.098.961.2475

DOD Safe Helpline

Military One Source (open24/7)

National Suicide Hotline