Fort MacArthur, (Bldg. 425)

About R4R Programs

In December 2015, the Air Force Services Activity (AFSVA) announced the launch of their new “Recharge for Resiliency” (R4R) program as the capstone for resiliency programming across the Air Force. R4R encompasses the following key resiliency components: the Single Airman Programming Initiative (SAPI), RecOn and Deployed Affected Programming (previously R4R). The R4R program core focus is building and sustaining ready and resilient Airmen and Families.

Outdoor Recreation & Community Center programming is currently being subsidized through an Air Force Initiative that comes from the Air Force Services Agency called Recharge for Resiliency (R4R). In order to use this funding we are subject to 100% accountability as to the proper use of all monies allocated to us. We must abide by all rules in the guidance.

IAW the guidance, the target audience overview states: “Deployed Affected Programming provides resources targeting deployed-affected and dependent restricted Air Force installation assigned service members and their families, providing relief from the challenges of deployment”. This means that all AD Air Force, AD Reservists, AD Direct Dependents, and other branches that are “Air Force installation assigned” are eligible for the subsidized rate. If you are in another branch of the military such as: Army, Navy, Marines, or Coast Guard, you CAN participate in the programs at the reduced rate, but we will require a copy of your orders at the time of registration to verify the LAAFB assignment.

We understand that these rules have been frustrating and confusing for everyone. We hope this clears up some questions as to the price difference in our programming and we hope to continue to serve our local military community as best we can.

Outdoor Recreation and the Community Center strives to bring programming to all and to offer the best possible rate to all of the Los Angeles AFB community.

You are more than welcome to call our offices if you have any questions.

Outdoor Recreation, (310) 653-8225
Community Center, (310) 653-8343

Outdoor Recreation & Community Center Management

The main goal of the Single Airman Initiative is to foster a strong culture, mission and sense of community for single Airmen. Its objective is to improve technology and communication within FSS programs and activities, provide a wide variety of social and recreation opportunities through FSS recreational activities, and offer MWR life skills classes to create a Single Airman culture that supports the “whole person – healthy lifestyle.”

Eligibility Requirements: Open to Air Force Active Duty or Air Reserve Component officer or enlisted member without a spouse.


The RecOn Initiative is an Outdoor Recreation program designed to address the challenges faced by deploying Airmen returning to home duty stations such as reintegration into regular social networks, family life and local communities. The objective is to provide a wide range of outdoor adventure-based activities.

Eligibility Requirements: Open to Air Force Active Duty or Air Reserve Component personnel and their family members.


The Deployed Affected Programming (DAP) initiative is designed to provide support for Airmen and families impacted by deployments. FSS programs do just that by helping provide some relief from the unique challenges our deployed Airmen and their families face. This, in turn, helps build unit cohesion and a strong sense of community – both critical to the sustainment of a ready, resilient force.

Eligibility Requirements: Open to families of deployed personnel, recently returning service members and their families, or families with a service member soon to deploy.


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