What is the Unite Program?

The UNITE Program was developed to provide Squadron/Unit leaders with funding to initiate programs that build cohesion for personnel within their unit. UNITE events focus on units rather than individuals with an emphasis on team building. Events are open to all Airmen including Active Duty, Reserve, and APF and NAF Civilians. It is up to your unit to determine what type of event will most benefit your squadron. Types of events include: Custom Events located on or off-base conceived by the unit or Ready-to-Execute Events that are ready made events. Family members are welcome to participate, butthey must pay any associated fees.

Types of Events


FSS related events should be considered first as they are pre-approved, easy to implement, and keep funds on the installation.

Unit Developed (UDP)

UDP’s capitalize on opportunities in the local area and require prior approval from the AFSVC.


Charitable work provides a cost effective team building activity that allows co-workers to see each other in a new light and can make a real difference in your community.


  • APF Activity allowance, equipment renting, program supplies, program expenses, entertainment, etc.
  • NAF food allowance: one meal and one non-alcoholic beverage. Meal must be used in conjunction with a Unite event.
  • Unite funds CAN NOT be used to augment holiday parties, balls, banquets, dining in/out or commander calls on or off the installation.

Host Your Unite Event in Just 4 Easy Steps!

Types of Events

  • Complete the POC Appointment Letter
    Squadron Commanders will appoint squadron Unite POC(s). Email completed forms to Douglas.Hanson.2@us.af.mil.
    POC Appointment Letter
  • Event Request
    Submit request form with specific details for your event. Form must be submitted NLT 3 weeks prior to your event date.
  • Have Fun At Your Event!
  • Submit After Action Report & Photos
    The C3s may not be able to attend your Unite events, so we are relying on you to provide detailed after action information and photos within 48 hrs.

Why Unite?

  • To develop a new skill
  • To improve physical fitness
  • To increase camaraderie
  • To promote interaction
  • To foster fun or relaxation
  • To reinforce team values
  • To work on team-building