Hours of Operation
Mondays and Tuesdays 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Wednesday – Saturday 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Office Hours
Range 42
Range 42 is a covered driving range with six bays that can accommodate up to six people in each bay. It is the first golf driving range in the Air Force to feature the Toptracer technology that can trace your shot and provide feedback on how far your ball went, how fast your ball went and where it went. Golfers and non-golfers alike will have fun playing virtual courses, practicing their shots with real-time analytics, and spending time with family and friends in the comfortable outdoor setting. Range 42 Bar and Grill offers a variety of appetizers, burgers, sandwiches, salads, sides and drinks to enjoy while you play.
Hourly Rates - Daytime
Hourly Rates - Evening
Wednesday – Saturday
Upcoming Events
Latest Past Events
Family Day
Saturdays are Family Days at Range 42! 10am-8pm Kids meals, board games, 1/2 price driving range bay rentals for families!!! Location Range 42
Thirsty Thursday
Get three canned beers and a bucket of range balls for $10. For ages 21+. Location Range 42 Contact 953.2209
Airmen Game Night
Airman Game Night Every Wednesday from 5-8pm Board Games, Card Games, TTRPGS Food and drinks available for purchase! Location Range 42