Private Organizations
Operating a Private Organization (PO) or Unofficial Activity (UA) is outlined in AFI 34-223.
In order to do fundraising on Scott AFB, organizations must be approved as a PO or UA on Scott. The Mission Support Group Commander for the base has been delegated authority to approve these operations. The AFI provides operating guidance.
If an organization expects to maintain over $1,000 for 3 consecutive months, they must be established as a PO. Those with less than $1,000 can be established as an UA. The primary difference in establishing an UA vs. a PO is that a PO must have a constitution & bylaws, has more stringent reporting requirements, and can request to conduct raffles.
*PLEASE NOTE: All questions, concerns, and requests for additional guidance regarding POs/UAs should be forwarded to 375FSS/FSR and the Private Org Coordinator for clarification.
Tips and Helpful Info:
Establishing a PO/Initial Review
Annual Review for POs
Guidance Documents
Establishing an Unofficial Activity (UA)/Annual Review for UAs
Dissolving your PO or UA? Unable to operate anymore?
Please complete the Dissolution Request
Fundraiser Requests
Mandatory to complete:
1. Fundraiser Request Form
2. Fundraising Checklist
If your event is in multiple locations, also complete the Additional Building Custodian Coordination