
Family Child Care

Conveniently located inside the CDC Annex, Shaw’s Family Child Care office provides you with resources and alternatives to center-based child care. We offer regular care of children in the home of a licensed provider. Care is provided on a full time, part time or hourly basis.

Federal Tax ID# 570522484

Family Child Care
Family Child Care

What is Family Child Care (FCC)?

Family Child Care (FCC) is designed to provide certain military members care outside of the typical 50 hours a week alloted at the Child Development Center and Youth Programs.

In an FCC home, there are no more than 6 children present under the age of 12. The Air Force has developed a system to use in offering this program. Persons who want to operate an FCC home must meet certain base requirements before offering child care. Operating an FCC home in government quarters is a privilege granted by the base commander to persons who have satisfactorily completed training requirements, home inspections and agency screenings.

FCC is designed to ensure the health and safety of the children cared for are protected, and the operation of such homes does not detract from the quality of life of Air Force families. Meals served to the children in care meet the guidelines of the USDA child and adult care food program.

The Family Child Care office is here to serve you with your child care needs, interest in child care employment, concerns about current providers, or by offering support to our providers. Please give us a call at 895-1212 if you need FCC services.

Who is eligible?

Children ages 2 weeks through 12 years of any active-duty, retired military, DoD civilians or contractors on or supported by Shaw AFB are eligible. Child care is provided on an equal opportunity basis in all FCC homes. Children are required to have current up-to-date immunizations.

FCC Programs

Returning Home Care

Returning Home Care is available for returning members, active duty, Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve members returning from at least 30 days deployment. Members may receive a limited amount of free child care upon their return. The care must be used within 30 days of the return from deployment.

See our informational brochure here.

Extended Duty Child Care

Extended Duty Child Care is available to eligible persons when needed for duty-related reasons beyond the typical 50-hours per week child care arrangements. The program can accommodate such instances as temporary shift changes, unplanned longer duty days/weekend duties, and short-term TDY’s.

See our informational brochure here.

Free Child Care for Certified Volunteers

Free Child Care for Certified Volunteers is also availble through our FCC providers. The Air Force Aid Society provides up to 10 hours a week in Free child care. Volunteer for any on-base agency, use a licensed Family Child Care Provider and begin volunteering TODAY!

Child Care for PCS

A PCS move is never easy, and children can feel stressed too.This Air Force Aid Society program provides parents with the opportunity to have their children cared for (up to 20 hours) while getting ready to leave or arrive at a base (packing, unpacking, out and in processing, house hunting etc.)

Fees & Subsidy Programs

Hours of operation and rates charged are a matter of private negotiation between the provider and the parent(s).

The purpose of the subsidy program is to increase the amount of quality, affordable child care spaces in Force Support Squadron Programs. Parents must register with the Family Child Care Coordinator at the Family Child Care Office. Only full-time care (35-50) hours is subsidized for children 0-12 years. Parents pay the same rate for their subsidized space as they would if their child was enrolled in the base Child Development Center.

To see if you qualify for this program, please contact the FCC Coordinator to arrange an appointment at 895.1212.

Become a Provider

Do you live within a 10-mile radius of Shaw AFB? The Family Child Care office is seeking persons interested in becoming child care providers or affiliated providers for children ages 2 weeks and up, midnight, swing shifts and special needs care. You must be the spouse of an active-duty, DoD civilian, or retired military member to qualify. To find out how you can start your new career call the Family Child Care office today 895-1212!

Become A Provider Today! The Family Child Care Program makes it easy for you to nurture and care for children in the friendly, warm environment of your own home. Be your own boss, set your own hours and stay at home with your own children while caring for children of our military and DoD civilian personnel.

Provider Requirements

  • Eligibility: Adults 18 years and older with authorization to occupy base housing quarters; affiliation off base meeting Air Force requirements.
  • Licensing: Certificate of authorization from the base commander for resident of military housing to provide FCC in base quarters
  • Training: All training is FREE! Initial training includes CPR and First Aid
  • Approving Agencies: Military Public Health, Safety Office, Fire Department, FCC Coordinator, Security Forces, Family Advocacy, Medical Officer, Family Housing and local agency screeings
  • Referrals: Available upon request through Family Child Care, Airmen and Family Readiness Center, Base Housing, Youth Programs, Security Forces, Family Advocacy, Civilian Personnel Office, Human Resources Office and the Community Center.

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