Transforming Wound Care:

First. Cleanse the Wound.

Innovation in Wound Care

Selective Hydro-Mechanical Debridement.

The Future is Here

Wound Irrigation Debridement System.

Discover it now!

Transforming Challenges into Opportunities for Healing and Wound Bed Restoration

Redefining Wound Care

Innovative Solution for Chronic Wound Care Management

Pulsar II ™
Debridement System

  • Use with saline solution or potable water.
  • Delivers 15psi* of optimal pressure to the wound site to remove bioload without ever increasing the size of the wound.
  • More than 80% of bioload and biofilm removed with each irrigation debridement treatment.
  • Can be used in any setting even the patients own home. 
  • All bioload is captured within the treatment bags by the fluid flowing down into the granules that encapsulate and neutralise the bioload making it safe to be disposed of in the regular waste, even safe for disposal in the patients own home trash. 
  • Captures all airborne and topical pathogens.
  • Treatment requires in most cases 3 liters of fluid and it takes 3 minutes to deliver 3 liters of fluid at 15psi. 
  • Wound irrigator recommended for 3 irrigation debridement treatments.
  • Patient experiences very little discomfort with often no pain at all.

What to Expect

Day 1 – A cleaner looking wound

Day 2Foul odor should abate so wound will no longer smell

Day 3 – Inflammation is massively reduced

Day 4 – Areas of granulation starting to appear

Day 5 – Clinical decisions can be made with how to progress.


1 – Removes in excess of 80% of biofilm and Bioload every 3 minute treatment using *15psi to deliver fluid

2 – Totally portable and 100% disposable

3 – No touch No Suction making for in most cases a pain free treatment

4 – NEVER increases the size of the wound as only removed non viable tissue.

5 – Suitable for all wounds.

*15psi is internationally recognised as the optimum pressure to remove biofilm and bioload without driving bacteria into the wound.

Attributes of Pulsar II™

  • [Pulsar II™ is CE marked, FDA cleared and registered in over 50 countries.
  • [Hydro mechanical debridement rids the wound of devitalized tissue without disrupting the underlying healthy tissue. Using internationally recognized pressure of 15psi to avoid driving bacteria and bioload further into the wound.
  • [Pulsar II™ debridement system is totally disposable as all the fluid is contained within the collection bag which has granules that neutralise any harmful bioload that has been removed.
  • [The irrigator / Pulsar II™ delivers chosen solution to the wound in a pulsating manner that dislodges bacteria, non viable tissue and debris from the wound bed
  • [Once the wound bed has been treated with a course of Pulsar II™, you can expect to see Granulation tissue appear enabling clinical decisions to be made as to how to continue healing the wound.

"First. Cleanse The Wound."

  • RHydro Mechanical Debridement System designed for use in the home.
  • ROptimized pulse strength of 15 Psi minimizes discomfort to the patient and maximized cleansing of the wound bed by removing the biofilm.
  • RNo suction. No cross contamination. No fluid discharge lost.

Explore a new era of innovation in wound care with us!