Tuesday-Thursday: 2:30 – 4:30 PM

Airman’s Center

Honor Guard

To Honor with Dignity

The Honor Guard of the 43rd Force Support Squadron at Pope Army Airfield is dedicated to providing dignified and professional military funeral honors, ceremonial events, and community support to honor the sacrifice and service of our fallen comrades, military members, and veterans. We are committed to upholding the highest standards of excellence, integrity, and respect in our performance of duties. Through rigorous training, teamwork, and a deep sense of honor, we strive to ensure that every event is executed with precision, dignity, and respect. We are proud to represent the Air Force, our nation, and to honor those who have served our country with distinction.


The Primary Mission of the Pope Army Airfield Honor guard is to providing military ceremonial support for all active-duty members, veterans, and retirees of the Air force and Army Air Corps. In addition, the Honor Guard supports a wide variety of base and community functions including change of commands, retirement ceremonies, and community parades.

The ceremonial guardsmen is an individual of good reputation, having integrity, ethical conduct and exhibiting standards which merit respect; responsible for protecting and overseeing the maintenance of standards on and off duty. It is truly an occupation which requires outstanding devotion and commitment to duty. By maintaining our history and exceptionally high standards, honor guards will continue to remain an icon of excellence.

Programs & Services

  • Changes/Assumptions of Command
  • Official Pope Army Airfield events with General Officer involvement
  • Annual Awards Ceremonies
  • Air Force Ball
  • Honorary Commander Inductions
  • Team Pope Graduations
  • Senior Noncommisioned Officer Induction Ceremony
  • Public Community Events (Parades, Professional/Collegiate Sporting Events, etc)
  • Retirements/Promotion Ceremonies for members in the rank of E-9 and O-6 and above.

Join the Honor Guard

The Pope Army Airfield Elite Honor Guard is looking for individuals with high military bearing and a professional image to represent the 43d Force Support Squadron in this prestigious program. Your base honor guard was established to promote military tradition and history. It is the link between the past, present and future for military and community members.

Benefits of membership include:

  • Leadership opportunities
  • Community service
  • Military training
  • Travel opportunities
  • Base wide recognition

Honor Guard Charge

Handpicked to serve as a member of the Pope Army Airfield Honor Guard, my standards of conduct and level of professionalism must be above reproach, for I represent all others in my service.

Others earned the right for me to wear the ceremonial uniform, one that is honored in a rich tradition and history. I will honor their memory by wearing it properly and proudly.

Never will I allow my performance to be dictated by the type of ceremony, severity of the temperature, or size of the crowd. I will remain superbly conditioned to perfect all movements throughout every drill and ceremony.

Obligated by my oath I am constantly driven to excel by a deep devotion to duty and a strong sense of dedication.

Representing every member, past and present, of the United States Air Force, I vow to stand sharp, crisp and motionless, for I am a Ceremonial Guardsman.