Community Cohesion Coordinator
Creating Unit CohesionThrough Fun Squadron Events
The UNITE program funds FUN! With a focus on revitalizing squadrons, increasing resilience and readiness, the UNITE Program is set up by the Air Force Services Activity to allow commanders to facilitate unit cohesion by implementing and developing team-building events and community-based activities and programs. The program is designed to benefit all Airmen in a unit to include active duty, reserve, and appropriated and non-appropriated civilian employees. There are numerous options both inside and outside the installation.
Why Unite?
Program Goals
- Build strong relationships
- Welcome new members
- Provide fun opportunities
- Increase moral
- Get out and get active
- Help create a unit of inclusion that values
All assigned Air Force and Space Force Active Duty, Reserve, Guard and Civilian (APF & NAF) employees. Squadron CC have the authority to allow spouses and dependents to participate. (Unit will not receive additional funding for dependents and events can not be held for dependents only).