8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

829 Stiner Road, Pope AAF, NC 28308

Military & Family Readiness Center

The M&FRC ensures that Airmen, Guardians, and their families are informed, educated, assisted, and prepared for the unique demands of military life enhancing family readiness, resilience and quality of life.

Providing a network of programs and services to promote positive outcomes across the domains of military family readiness including career, social, financial, health and community engagement.

Programs & Services

Newcomer’s Orientation

If you are new to Pope Army Airfield, you can join us at the monthly Newcomer’s Orientation held at the M&FRC on the third Wednesday of each month from 0730-1600. This forum will provide you with valuable information and resources from a variety of agencies to assisting you and your family in getting settled.

Casualty Assistance/Survivor Benefit Plan

The Casualty Officer assists family members after the death of an active-duty member or retiree. Before retiring all service-members will decide whether or not to elect insurance that protects surviving dependents from the loss of income when the member dies. SBP is subsidized by the federal government, and benefits can be given to the spouse, ex-spouse, eligible children, or an insurable interest person.

Exceptional Family Member Program

We assist personnel with family members who have special needs by providing base and community resources and information on support groups and services.

Air Force Families Forever

This program facilitates long-term case management procedures and provides support for surviving family members of deceased Airmen and Guardians. Support is provided to eligible Next-of-Kin through the M&FRC at the installation closest to where the survivor resides.

Heart Link

This quarterly forum is offered to new Air Force spouses to learn about Air Force traditions, resources, programs, and other valuable information at Pope Army Airfield.

Personal Financial Readiness

Learn about financial management, budgets, deployment finances, spend plans, purchasing a new home and/or vehicle, your credit report, and identity theft.

Deployment Readiness

Preparation is important and we can be of assistance before during and after a deployment. Prior to a deployment members will attend a briefing at the M&FRC to receive resources and information.

Airman’s Attic

This free service for Air Force Personnel (E-6 and below) and their immediate family is designed to help them with any needs that arise for items such as clothing, household goods, infant supplies, and other miscellaneous items.

Commander’s Key Support Program

The U.S. Air and Space Force Commander’s Key Support Program (CKSP) is an official Unit Family Readiness Program designed to enhance readiness and establish a sense of community. This Commander’s program promotes partnerships with the unit, the Military & Family Readiness Center (M&FRC) and community agencies.

Transition Assistance Program

If you are preparing to retire or separate from the Air Force, military or civilian, the Transition Assistance Program is mandated to help you by providing career planning, resume reviews, access to employment opportunities, and the development of job search skills. Pre-separation counseling must be completed 12 months prior to separation and 24 months prior to retirement.

Military Family Life Counselor

The Military and Family Life Counseling program supports service members, their families, and survivors with confidential non-medical counseling where they are stationed. Non-medical counseling can help individuals address issues such as improving relationships at home and work, stress management, adjustment difficulties, parenting, and grief or loss.

Air Force Wounded Warrior Program

Program works together with the Air Force Survivor Assistance Program, Airman & Family Readiness Centers, and the Air Force Medical Service to provide concentrated non-medical care and support for seriously or very seriously wounded, ill and injured Airmen, Guardians, Caregivers and their families as they recover and transition back to duty or into civilian life.

Relocation Assistance

A congressionally mandated program designed to ease the personal and family stressors military families experience with a PCS by providing assistance, counseling, education, and training throughout all phases of the relocation process.

Bundles for Babies

This class is designed to teach soon to be and new parents basic parenting skills, as well as financial skills to help them budget for their new baby, from birth to college. Hosted by the Air Force Aid Society, they understand the challenges that come with active-duty military Air Force life, from deployments to PCS orders, and offers targeted community programs such as the Bundles for Babies class to help make everyday life on base a little easier.

Voters Assistance

The Air Force Voting Assistance Program is here to assist military personnel, their family members, and all other voting age citizens with access to the installation voter assistance office to register and vote either at the polls or by absentee ballot. The mission of the program is to aid with all elections, regardless of when they are held, with special emphasis on the period prior to general elections.