Private Organizations
Private Organizations (PO) are self-sustaining, special interest groups set up by people acting exclusively outside the scope of any official capacity as officers, employees, or agents of the federal government. All POs are nonfederal entities and are to be treated as such.
All POs are nonfederal entities and are to be treated as such.
For more information concerning private organizations and fundraising on Tyndall, please contact us.
We have several resources and tools to help your PO be as successful as they can be.
Any private organization wishing to raise money are required to fill out and sign the fundraiser request. This includes all fundraisers on and off base.
Please send all correspondence (including fundraiser requests) and questions to
All fundraisers must be approved by the 325th Mission Support Group Commander. To allow sufficient time to obtain all the necessary approvals, requests need to be submitted 30 days prior to the event.
Listed Private Organizations and Unofficial Activities may conduct three (3) fundraisers per quarter.
POs may not advertise for a fundraising event until the request has been approved.
Legal Guidelines
Private Organizations must have liability insurance or request a waiver from the installation commander. The absence of liability insurance places all of the PO member’s personal assets immediately at risk in the event of PO liability.
To prevent the appearance of an official sanction or support by the DoD, POs may not use the seals, logos, or insignia of the DoD or any DoD Component, DoD organizational unit, or DoD installation on organization letterhead, correspondence, titles, or in association with organization programs, locations, or activities. A PO cannot use official letterhead for any of its correspondence.
When correspondence is signed, the signature block should only contain the name and position held in the booster club. No rank or USAF.
In accordance with AFI 34-223, POs must prominently display the following disclaimer on all print and electronic media mentioning the PO’s name confirming that the PO is not part of the DoD: THIS IS A PRIVATE ORGANIZATION. IT IS NOT A PART OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OR ANY OF ITS COMPONENTS AND IT HAS NO GOVERNMENTAL STATUS. This includes the constitution/by-laws, fundraiser requests, and requests for waiver of insurance.
Food Booth Operations
If your fundraiser involves food preparation/sale, you must fill out a Public Health application and understand the guidelines.
Most food borne illnesses occur due to improper food-handling techniques during food preparation and/or storage. In an attempt to minimize the possibility of a food borne illness, all people involved in the food-handling process must abide by basic guidelines. Download the guidelines here.
Not sure what all is involved with a food booth? View the quick reference guide here.